How to Download Your Entire Facebook History

by | Jun 24, 2018 | Social Media, Training

Did you know you had the capacity to download your entire facebook history? Yes, I mean 7,346 selfies and even more text status, and those horrid chat logs since the beginning of your facebook life. This is a great trick if you, want to quit Facebook, but want to keep all the memories.

Before you start doing the steps, remember that this is one huge download. You should only attempt if you have enough space and speed to complete the process. So if you’re ready, let’s go!

  1. Go to Facebook settings
  2. Click on Your Facebook InformationDownload FAcebook information
  3. Once you click view, you’ll be taken to a page when you have the option to choose what items you intend to download. It’s a long list.
  4. You also have the option of choosing the date range if you’re only looking for posts or messages from a particular date range. Just choose the dates from their calendar before clicking on Create File.
  5. Once you click on Create File, Facebook wants to learn even more about yo by asking why you want to download the file.
  6. Once your file is ready, you’ll get a notification that looks like this. 
  7. And then lead you to the download page.

For the sake of this tutorial, I only downloaded 1 day’s worth of my facebook activities. You should get a folder that has all these folders inside.

And voila! That is how you download your facebook information into your hard drive. For whatever reason you may have, it’s good to know that Facebook has made this feature readily available. It is your information after all.

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