Canva Shortcut Keys Part 2

Canva Shortcut Keys Part 2

I hope you were able to use the 35 Canva shortcut keys we showed you on the previous video. If you haven’t watched it yet, check out the link below. And in this blog, as promised, we’re showing you 35 more shortcuts you can use on Canva to make designing, videos, and...
Canva Shortcut Keys Part 1

Canva Shortcut Keys Part 1

Canva shortcuts will save you time! We all know that Canva is this amazing tool that makes designing faster, and more approachable for those non-tech people like me who don’t know photoshop.  Read on or watch the video below! However, have you ever thought, there...
Should You Use a Chatbot For your Facebook Page?

Should You Use a Chatbot For your Facebook Page?

Have you heard of using a chatbot for Facebook Pages? Do you have a Facebook page for your small business? Do you use any kind of marketing automation tools to help your business grow? Have you heard that chatbots can help your small business grow? That’s a lot...
Should You Pay for Canva Pro?

Should You Pay for Canva Pro?

Is it really worth paying for a Canva Pro Subscription? Should you stick to the free version? Or should you just hire a designer? Running a digital marketing firm means learning and using several tools to stay on top of the social media game.  Compared to other...